
About Jon

Jon Hamilton is a broadcaster, author, and minister. He serves as President of Christian FM Media, which provides creative content to more than 200 Christian radio stations across the US and overseas. A father of eight, Jon and his wife Tammye frequently speak at conferences and churches.

Silent Night

By | 2020-12-24T11:57:14-05:00 December 24th, 2020|Eschatology|

SILENT NIGHT        Jon Hamilton It’s difficult to say precisely where the sound began, but the first echoes were certainly not far from the throne. In any event, the news quickly spread. As it reached more and more angelic ears, the emotion that resulted could not be contained. It spilled out of angelic [...]

The Nature of Our Enemy-Now on Amazon

By | 2019-01-19T14:46:31-05:00 January 19th, 2019|Christian Living, Teaching|

I finally did it. I've been promising to release a new edition of my work "The Nature of Our Enemy" for years, and now it is here. In what ways might the sins of the past affect the environment for the Church today? Since this message was first published in 2000 it has been providing [...]

An Urgent Call

By | 2018-10-30T13:58:05-05:00 October 30th, 2018|Eschatology|

Pastor Bernie stood before his flock that Sunday with a mandate he KNEW was from God.  The situation was critical.  The enemies of the Gospel had to be directly challenged.  The body of Christ needed to be rallied to action in the face of the many dangers assaulting the Christian faith.   Deep emotion was [...]

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